大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar

大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar配图一






  一个神秘箱 、一个果篮


  1、 猜一猜

  (1) 将部分毛毛虫的食物及毛毛虫放在神秘箱里,让幼儿摸其中一样, 然后猜一猜摸到的是什么,然后拿出来验证猜测结果。 教师首先示范,用动作提示幼儿操作。 Look, it’s a secret box . What’s in it ? I will feel onekind of, will feel what it is?幼儿摸到毛毛虫,教师说 the cateillar can-------(用动作引导幼儿说creep)。

  (2 ) T: a le is sweet, do you want to eat ? s: Yes 。T:caterpillar issweet ,do you want to eat? T: a le pinea le banana orange peach andpear are all sweet ,we like eating them,and the caterpillar alsolikes eating them . what did the caterpillar eat ? let’s see.

  2 、欣赏课件,了解故事内容。

  (1) 完整欣赏课件,让幼儿初步了解故事内容。

  (2) 教师讲述故事,让幼儿进一步理解故事内容。

  T :one Sunday morning ,the caterpillar was hungry, on Monday thecaterpillar ate one a le, but he was still hungry(星期天的早晨毛毛虫很饿,星期一它吃了一个苹果,但是它还是饿) T: where is the a le,stand up ? (老师问孩子苹果在哪里) S: I’mhere (幼儿根据各自的头饰做扮演的角色来回答)。T: what did the caterpillar eat on Monday

  ?S: a le.T:how many a les did the caterpillar eat? S: one.

  教师出示图谱,让幼儿验证自己的回答。T&;am say on Monday the caterpillar ate one ale(师幼一起回顾故事情节,每说一天回顾一次) (后面每天都这样进行。)T :on Sunday again, thecaterpillar became a big, fat caterpillar, he was going to sleep……

  Oh, he was a beautiful butterfly!

  (3) 老师再次讲述故事,幼儿听故事给图片排序。

  T: look , the caterpillar became a big, fat caterpillar ,becauseit’s eat lots of food .What did the caterpillar eat from Monday toSaturday ? can you arrange these pictures with thestory?(看,毛毛虫变得又大又胖,因为它吃了很多东西。毛毛虫从星期一到星期六都吃了些什么东西啊,你能边听故事边将这些图片按毛毛虫吃东西的顺序排列一下吗?)


  3、 分角色故事表演。

  (1) 按角色故事表演。

  (2) 换角色故事表演,由幼儿扮演毛毛虫。


  T: the caterpillar became a beautiful butterfly! Now let’s have adance ,ok?


大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar配图二

大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar配图三


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